Save the Penguin

I have never been good at keeping up with anything. I get distracted and move on to the next new thing. I haven't finished a game in quite a while. I am hoping to change all that now.

Rather than use this space to talk about what I am doing which is nothing most of the time. I will use it to push traffic to my Amazon store by reviewing items I have purchased and enjoy. So, here is the first item!

You may have already seen this on my facebook page or on the home page. The difference is this is where I will officially review it. To start, it is cheaply made. Why, well because it was cheap. Like $15 cheap. You will get no complaints about that out of me. It is a bargain! I purchased it because I saw it advertised and thought it looked like fun. I was right, it was fun. However, the downside was the spinner was too small and got hung up a lot. We had to flick it several times per turn. This led me to create an app for that. So, I spent my week of vacation creating this app and now it is even more fun because I created something to go along with it. I will be putting out a video of the game play. My next entry will include the video!

There are a number of these games with various prices. I have purchased two of them and I recommend this one. This one has a spinner with more than four options. If you use my free app, then you can play in any mode. So buy the game, download the app and have some fun!

You can download my app here!

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